Harem Heroes - Action Adventure Spiel
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A Fresh Start 03/14/2019 07:03 AM Aah… It’s spring time again. What better way to celebrate life than with vigorous fucking and mind blowing orgasms?

From the 14th (5 am UTC+1) until the 19th (5 am UTC+1) of March 2019, invite the Spring Spirit in your harem with five gorgeous girls who will make your heart melt like the last winter snow. Join them for a raunchy quick getaway to the beach. And don’t worry if someone has forgotten their swimsuit - no one will need it for long.

The Spring versions of Shehera, Lola and Rumiko, along with the scantily dressed Deitra and Virginia are waiting for you to win their affections in the Event Pachinko. And for a sexy time at the beach, complete 5 of the 7 Daily Missions and get the essential Vacationer’s set.

Uh oh! There's trouble in paradise. It seems that the Dark Lord and Ninja Spy have followed you to the party place and are trying to take Spring Lola and Virginia away from you. Challenge them to a beach sex battle and save the hot ladies.

Now… who is up for shots?