Harem Heroes - Action Adventure Spiel
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May the Mojo Be With You! 05/14/2019 06:05 AM My party hero,

May is one of my favorite months in the Haremverse! Why? Because every day there is a reason to celebrate. And because me and the girls like experiments, we have a different theme for each party. Want to know more?

Starting on the 14th (5 am UTC +1) and lasting till the 19th of May (5 am UTC +1), you won’t be getting any sleep. You will be too busy fucking, drinking and enjoying other festival activities.

Your whole Harem will want a piece of you (especially that one big delicious piece), but you better find time for the 5 gorgeous girls who want to join you too. The party Queen Titania, Festivarrrrr Bonny, the adventurous Festival Regine and the sexy ninja Solveig will join the fun (disguised, of course). Even Unionist Elizabeth will take a break from the sex strikes and just have sex for fun! Get all those horny ladies from the Event & Epic Pachinko!

Now let’s go. Just remember the one rule of Festival: everything is allowed!