Legeclo: Legend Clover X Rated - Rundenbasiertes RPG Spiel
Legeclo: Legend Clover X Rated News & UpdatesZuruck zum Spiel
Abyss? No, the Great Thief event now live! 02/15/2023 06:02 AM Thank you for playing.
This is the Legeclo! Management Office.

We are pleased to report that the following maintenance,
which was conducted at 3:00 today, has been completed.
*Customers using the app version are requested to update the app.

◆Maintenance contents
[Game updates]
・New Event added.
⇒"Abyss? No, the Great Thief!" event is now live!

・New Characters added.
⇒SSR characters Leonidas & Sol are now available in the Warrior of the Sun Gacha!

・Sub Quest Pt.9 added.
⇒Clear Ch. 89 of the Main quest to unlock Pt.9

・Minor bug fixes

In addition, the following maintenance compensation is sent to all players.

[Compensation Contents]
 Magic stone x300

Thank you for your continued support of "Legeclo!