Sexy Airlines Max - Leerlauf  Spiel
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Body Paint Event with Pics, Animations and Costumes! 10/02/2021 04:10 PM Hello Captains!
This weekend we are launching our new costume collection with an event around body painting. Unlock the related costumes during the event and get bonuses as well as exclusive pics and animations!

Event Details:
► 10 new outfits featuring body painting, each giving a 15% income boost for that FA
► Get up to +2 sponsoring for unlocking the new costumes
► 3 new pictures/animations that are unlocked when you unlock costumes
► to unlock collect Paint Brushes globally or buy them in the shop
► Event starts today, 01.10.21 and will end on 05.10.21 7AM UTC

►► You can find the outfit collector feature via the banner in the bottom right corner. It's also possible to get there via the "painting icon" in the girls Costume selection.

► If going to the Shop to display an unseen bundle when starting the game, prevent from uselessly loading the idle screen before that
► Added a security to prevent crash in Gallery if any media related to never-hired-yet FA has been unlocked (e.g. from missions / outfits collections)
► Now prevents from closing the open luggage popup if any luggage earned through a mission goal has not been opened yet (to prevent from losing it)
► Fixed open luggage popup workflow (might have fixed some missions system bug on related mission progress)

We hope you have fun painting the girls and have a nice weekend!

Your Sexy Airlines Team