Sexy Space Airlines - Zwanglos  Spiel
Sexy Space Airlines News & UpdatesZuruck zum Spiel
New Character: Isha! 10/06/2022 12:10 PM This week we welcome our newest character, Isha, a famous hacker from the pleasure-zone on Nana Station! Unlock her only during the event and uncover her story!

Event Details:
- new event flight attendant: Isha, the hacker (and cam) girl!
- only during the event Nana Station is accessible with all FAs posessing entertainer (after that you'll require hacking to fly there)
- Isha's cards are dropping only during the event on Nana Station or in character luggages
- to unlock her story threads collect USB Sticks from ISS5, Mars, Venus, Proxima Centauri, Xepturia, Silus, Mephisto, Alatus, Teegarden, Olympus and Sands or Anonymous Masks from luggages on Luna, Ceres, Europa, Mercury, Ganymede, Grel, New Siberia and Labia.
- an event mission waits at next level up that gets you more event items and cards (from level 21, progress carries over with level up)
- Event time: 6th October until 13th October 7am UTC