Gay Pornstar Harem - Action Aventure Jeu
Gay Pornstar Harem Actualites et mises a jourrevenir au jeu
Patch Notes Week #31 31.07.2024 07/31/2024 06:07 AM Adventure

World 5 – Dream Valley Not
World Quest 2 “A Helping Blond”:
“I thought you would cower and try to run. But then again, you can’t run away from your sleep forever.”

Check out the latest adventure!

The Labyrinth

Dominate in the Labyrinth and win over Derek Kage.

Club Champion

Face Ryan Rose when he appears as club champion to add Trophy Boy Micah Bandit to your Harem!


Clubs are now available


Labyrinth: You will need 7 recruits instead of 14 to enter the easy Labyrinth
Champions: The quest requirement is removed and the 10 recruits (3 stars or higher) requirement stays the same
Club Champions: The quest requirement is removed, keep only the 15 recruits (10 of them 3 stars or higher) that are required to be in a Club anyways
Double Penetration: You will need level 40 instead of 50 to access the event


The issue creating an error when playing 10x Seasons at level 700+ is fixed
The visual issue impacting the fullscreen display is fixed
The console error on activities is now fixed
A small visual issue making buttons overlap in the Adventure is fixed
The issue displaying wrong icons and grade numbers in the PoV is fixed