Gay Harem - アクションアドベンチャー ゲーム
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Patch Notes Week #24 12.06.2024 06/12/2024 05:06 AM Gameplay Survey: Competitions
We are always striving to enhance your gaming experience, and we need your help! We invite you to fill out our Game Play Survey: Competitions. Your feedback will play a crucial role in helping us discover new and exciting ways to improve the competitive aspects of the game.
Your insights are invaluable to us, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas.

Mythic Days Shard Pools

As you’ve seen on the last iteration, the shard pools are now different for each day of the event, here’s the repartition :
Total Shards: 57,600
Day 1: +2,592 every 2 hours
Day 2: +1,440 every 2 hours
Day 3: +766 every 2 hours
Gay Harem Nutaku
Total Shards: 12,600
Day 1: +567 every 2 hours
Day 2: +315 every 2 hours
Day 3: +168 every 2 hours

Mythic Days Revival Shard Pools
Total Shards: 28,800
Day 1: +1,440 every 2 hours
Day 2: +959 every 2 hours

Gay Harem Nutaku
Total Shards: 6,300
Day 1: +315 every 2 hours
Day 2: +210 every 2 hours