Pornstar Harem - アクションアドベンチャー ゲーム
Pornstar Harem ニュース&更新ゲームに戻る
Patch Notes 07.09.2022 09/07/2022 05:09 AM World 6 Bigger in Texas

Quest 12: Road to Glory: He-he-he, you sure know how to charm a lady, don't you?

A season pass reminder has been added to the game

New World release!

World 6 West Cock

Quest 1: All Aboner. Sailing in a thunderstorm! Stranded alone on a lonely island….

New feature!
Introducing Mythic Boosters

Mythical boosters have been added to the market!

The mythic boosters have the following effects:
Get a +1 shard every time you win shards from Villains, up to 11 shards.

Get +25% Attack Power vs Villains for the next 200 performances

Get +15% Attack Power when attacking in Leagues and Seasons for the next 100 performances.

Get +25% Attack Power vs all Champions for the next 200 performances (including Club Champions).

Gain +25% power for your Girls in Places of Power for the next 60 missions.

+20% XP (+5% if you are above level 300) from all sources, up to 100,000 XP.

Get +5 Mojo on a win or lose 0 Mojo on a loss in Seasons for the next 100 performances.