
👋 Hello everyone!

The fantastic FAPAPOLY event has officially launched! Join us in this bright and thrilling promotion, and trade your handmade items for hot girls and other valuable prizes.

We are delighted to introduce two stunning characters – charming superheroines as an exclusive Dual Pack offer for Valentine's Day: Yumi Hikaru and Saki Miyako.
As a reward for the trip quests, you can get the magnificent Sugasho Yushi!

Win the grand prize of the FAPAPOLY trip quest – the Suto Asuka superheroine! During the event, you will also have access to a limited-time Fapapoly Battle Pass subscription. Don't miss the "Love spell" event happening simultaneously, and collect a complete set of 12 superheroines. Test your skills in the "Wheel of Fortune" event and receive resources for redeeming additional superheroines during the "Love Spell" event.

Additionally, we have updated the awards for completing the Gold Rush Battle Pass.

❤️ Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to participate in engaging activities and upgrade your adult gamer experience together with Fapapoly! We eagerly await your visit!




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