Game of the Month - Horny Arcana

You’re probably used to getting down and dirty in your favorite Nutaku games, but cleaning off? Unheard of. (Usually, you’d save that for after you put your phone down.) But in Horny Arcana, getting squeaky clean isn’t just good hygiene – it’s the only way to save a kingdom being overtaken by a mysterious magical force!

The Charde Kingdom is under attack, and darkness has begun to creep across the land. This murky miasma swallows everything it touches, and any poor soul unfortunate enough to touch it falls victim to complete corruption. As friends and family become mindless slaves to this evil influence, the Queen calls on any adventurer brave enough to risk life and limb for their home. Many fall, and most wind up becoming mindless puppets to the sinister forces.

That’s where the Peachy Troupe comes in! Led by the player (hey, that’s you!) and a strong-willed priestess named Zoe, this two-person team is the last line of defense between the Queen and the corrupting evil that ravages her land. Armed with purifying magic, you’ll drive out the darkness as you come face-to-face with wicked witches, warped warriors, and every JRPG archetype in between. These clashes will reward you with new comrades, but only if you’re strong enough to train them and strike the evil from their hearts!

Now, Horny Arcana may seem familiar to longtime fans of mobile JRPGs, which is kind of the point. If you’re used to games where you build up a team of your strongest ladies, then wage war across a series of sprawling world maps, you’re going to feel right at home here. This is a turn-based role-playing game built on a straightforward elemental weakness system – like those newfangled pocket monsters, but sexier!

But if you plan on putting your brain on autopilot, mashing through some easy fights, and unlocking some sweet fantasy sex along the way, stop right there. Horny Arcana’s biggest selling point, aside from its sexy 2D animations and luscious erotic illustrations, is in how involved you have to get with each character. Unlocking a new girl isn’t as simple as winning a fight, pumping her full of gems, then throwing her into the thick of combat. These brave ladies have had their minds all but broken by the evil festering in their souls, so if Peachy Troupe wants to fight alongside them, they’ll need a little bit of extra TLC before they’re ready for combat. Using each and every tool at your disposal, you’ll bring these lovely ladies back to the light and into the fight through the healing, restorative power of knocking boots. (Cue the H-Town song.) With a little patience and a lot of love, you’ll be spending plenty of quality time getting to know these girls inside and out!

This is what makes Horny Arcana such a compelling fantasy JRPG and rewarding erotic gaming experience. Sure, Nutaku’s got no shortage of “raising sims” – i.e. games where you micromanage anime girls into being uncontrollably horny – or role-playing games. But what this game does different is blending those two into a satisfactory package with depth to spare. As you come across each corrupted warrior, they become more than just another number on the screen. The training and “purification” sequences give you emotional investment in these girls, because their lives are quite literally in your hands. Each cured girl isn’t just another piece to slap on the proverbial chessboard – they’re living, breathing characters that you’ve helped rehabilitate and bring into your ranks. That investment makes each new addition to the cast feel special, which makes getting your high fantasy freak on all the more satisfying!

Horny Arcana is, of course, a special game for more obvious reasons. The 110% authentic anime art and detailed animation make it feel competitive with mainstream heavy-hitters – just with loads of porn! There’s enough great art and a satisfying enough loop to snag even the most jaded of mobile game players, to be sure, and more than enough hentai to satisfy even our thirstiest customers. But that extra level of investment in each character, and the special care you’ll need to give in order to progress, is what elevates it to true Game of the Month status.

Horny Arcana is the perfect game for anybody hungry for adventure and prepared to put hard work in for their favorite waifu.  If that sounds like you, our Game of the Month is available now for mobile and PC!

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