Update and bug fixes

Hello, Overlords!

This update brings you various bug fixes and some important economy changes:

  • The issue with the game's crashes when entering battles is fixed.
  • The issue with main quests not counting is fixed.
  • We've separated girls' equipment summons into standalone weapons and armor summons.
  • Drop chances in these summons have been changed. There's a higher chance to get epic gear now.
  • Merging of weapons and armor should work correctly now.
  • Free summon runes are now added to some battles as rewards.
  • The issue with matriarchs' 5th level scenes is fixed.
  • Some issues with notifications and markers have been fixed. Tutorial markers are now working correctly as well.
  • Typos in dialogs are fixed.
  • The issue with the game crashing on the Cerberus stage is resolved.
  • Rewards for empathy levels and in empathy battles are reworked.

We're aware of your concerns about the changed default looks of some old characters - we'll prepare their old looks as skins and distribute them for free.

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