Some major changes in the Booty Heroes team

Dear Players,

There have been some major changes in the Booty Heroes team. 

We are excited to welcome new members to our small team, and we are confident that they will help take our game to the next level. 

Our new game designers are fully committed to the project, analyzing it from all angles to make it better for both new and veteran players.

Lucy continues to relay all your feedback regarding gameplay, events, and your wishes and suggestions. Rest assured, all of this will be taken into account.


As for upcoming changes: 

  • we plan to enhance and diversify events, including rewards, in the near future. This won't affect the upcoming event, but everything after it certainly will.
  • we are preparing a PvP mode, which is currently in full development. Angels will appear along with PvP! There will also be seasonal rewards. 
  • we're continuing to work on visual updates for the game.

There are many other tasks that we want to tackle and bring into the game, including the continuation of Thea's event, other hero's event, and much more. We will keep you informed about all developments and upcoming updates.

Thank you for staying with us and believing in us.

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