Gay Harem - Game Updates - 28.08.2024
- Gay Harem
- 2024/08/28
World 14 – Stairway to Heaven
Quest 9 – Gemini Kekette
“We reached Gemini’s temple! Six out of twelve, baby!! Time to defeat the seventh Guardian!”
Check out the latest adventure!
- Daily Purchase Bonus
A new type of bundles that can be claimed for free upon spending a certain daily amount - Step-up Offer
A new tab in the shop, where the players will have a path of bundles - free and paid ones, that they will be able to go through. There are several free rewards - then paid bundle - then some free rewards - then paid - etc. Each bundle is only available upon claiming/purchasing the previous one.
- More visibility for the Lively scenes (LSE Preview button)
- Adding roles in Blessings
Introducing the "Week of the [role-name]". For example, it could be "Week of the Fluffer."
During this week, all recruits with the selected role will receive a bonus of 20% to 40% on all attributes in the Labyrinth.
The bonus percentage will be in increments of 5%, similar to other blessings, and will always apply to all attributes.
This blessing will be added as a 3rd Blessing option and will only affect the Labyrinth.
- The shards icon is no longer misplaced in the champion menu
- The issue displaying an ad in the Labyrinth info page is fixed
- The visual issue making the ad overlap the next quest button is fixed
Content Survey
Vote for what you liked and didn’t like in August!