Harem Heroes - Przygodowa akcji Gra
Harem Heroes Aktualnosci i aktualizacjewroc do gry
Patch Notes Week #51 12/21/2022 09:12 AM Main Page Improvements
We have added timers and additional info visible on the Town Page for the following sections:
Market - A timer will display the remaining time until the Market reset
Club - A timer will display the time until the Club Champion’s availability
Leagues - You League rank and position will be displayed
Boosters - an icon will appear when your Boosters have expired so you can reapply them. This will work only for the 24h boosters (not Mythic),

Epic Pachinko
The one and only legendary Goddess from your world - Amouranth has decided to join you in your Haremverse adventures. You can find her in the Epic Pachinko.

Mythic Revival

Santa Claudia can’t get enough of you! From the 27th until the 29th of December, she will be back, more Mythic than ever, and with a fresh new look. (Players who’ve already seduced her will automatically see her new appearance.


Master the leagues to seduce the stunning Mia

Happy Holidays 2022

The end of the year is fast approaching and we have prepared a special celebratory post for 2022. We wish you the coziest, warmest, happiest, and kinkiest holidays! See you next year!

PS. Week 52 won’t have Patch Notes, as the Kinkoid office will be on holiday leave. We will have limited availability in case of emergencies and an increased time for Support inquiries. Thank you for your understanding.