Trans Pornstar Harem - Przygodowa akcji Gra
Trans Pornstar Harem Aktualnosci i aktualizacjewroc do gry
Patch Notes Week #19 08.05.2024 05/08/2024 05:05 AM Adventure

World 8 – UK, Hun?
World Quest 2 “Cum With Me if You Can”:
“Wait till you see his dick. He’ll do amazing at this audition.”

Check out the latest adventure!


The dimension of cards for the Waifu is fixed
Borders are added to the character cards in the Labyrinth
Poses and scenes preview in more places (Seasons, Path of Virile, Mega Events, Champions, Places of Power)

Bug fixes

Adding missing timer for Double Date/Night Club event
The visual issue impacting the Season panel is fixed
The issue preventing clocking on the info button in SM is fixed
An issue preventing the display of character in the villain reward pool is fixed
The progression bar in Double Penetration event is fixed
The issue impacting the Blessings in Nutaku is fixed
A visual issue impacting the position of the Waifu in the menu is fixed