Love Spell Event

👋 Hello everyone!

It's the end of the week again and the start of another Dark Tower  event!

  • A girl Maita Kiyomi is waiting for you as a reward for the quest chain
  • The Sacrament of love event turns into a LOVE SPELL event
  • Inside you will be able to see 5 new super girls!
  • The winter BattlePass updated the list of awards

The Dual Pack has been replenished with 2 new girls
Akiko Kimura is an Epic Cleric driven by the illumination of this world.
Miyuki Nguyen is an Epic Druid whose power is drawn from the bowels of the earth.

Resources pack - Hide Honda, a barbarian whose brutality can be envied even by the leader of the orcs.

🎉 Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


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