Comix Harem - 动作冒险游戏 遊戲
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Patch notes Week #38 09/21/2021 12:09 PM This week's release (Week #38) will occur on Thursday (23.09.2021)

Side Quests

New Rare Quest release: “Ram to Fix RAM”: The android CAMMI-69 is experiencing a malfunction and she can’t exactly put her finger on it - any more than she already has, that is - until she runs a diagnostic test. It turns out that specific memory files can become corrupted if they are not regularly updated with fresh memories and experiences...Check out our latest adventure!

Path of Attraction
Similar to the Seasons, you will automatically be redirected to the current reward
Hovering over the Girl Reward will display her stats

Local holidays
Dear players,
Due to a local holiday on Wednesday, this week's release will occur on Thursday. Our support team will not be available on Wednesday and will reply at a slower rate for the rest of the week.
Kind regards,
Team Kinkoid