Valentine's Day Sale!

Are you all feeling the love? ‘Cause boy oh boy, I certainly can! 

February rhymes with Valentine’s Day (not actually, but you know what I mean) and it wouldn’t be a proper holiday without a Nutaku sale! From February 11th to February 16th, Nutaku’s Valentine Sale holds enough love for all of us. 

First and foremost, you can expect a bomb Gold Sale. Oh yeah baby, we have quite the goodies in store! With special packs crafted just for you, you can expect to see a whole lot of bonus gold coming your way. Be sure to make the most of the deals- they're limited in time!

Of course, our games are partaking in the celebration of love. The events page will help you navigate the hottest events- with surprises dropping regularly, how could we not be tempted? The real challenge will be to see if you can give enough attention to all of your faves!

And last but not least, we made a lit’ something special for you. Lo and behold, our Valentine’s Playlist! We’re always happy to groove to the mood- and we thought you should too!

Wishing you lots of fun, and Happy Valentine’s Day! 

Love always,




Nutaku 统治与臣服活动已经开始!此活动将让您直面您最古怪的幻想,考验您的意志、技能和统治或臣服的欲望。在有限的时间内,沉浸在一系列激动人心的游戏内活动中,您将为征服王国、指挥军团和诱惑性感追随者的后宫而战! 令人兴奋的事情还不止于此——我们的“统治与臣服”活动还为我们最受欢迎的一些付费游戏带来了巨额折扣!...


幸运的是,我们出色的 Nutaku 玩家目前正在进行几项新的预注册活动!预注册游戏时,您将获得各种独家游戏内奖励,而这些奖励将不会提供给后来加入的人。俗话说,你打瞌睡,你就输了!奖励包括高级游戏货币、特殊角色、独特武器、稀有物品,甚至是令人惊叹的奖励内容,这些都会让您的体验更加难忘。更棒的是,这个过程完全免...

海军上将的召唤:带领你的 Waifu 军队在 EROS 突袭中取得胜利

走进一个美貌、智慧和力量相结合的宇宙,展现令人惊叹的战略战争!在EROS Raiders中,您可以招募一支由 Waifus 组成的精锐小队,并带领他们进行视觉效果惊人的 3D 战斗。成为最性感的杂牌士兵队伍的海军上将,这支队伍中可能包括一位超凡脱俗的触手美女、一位拥有巨大大炮的害羞书呆子,甚至还有一位“宅男”,他们都随时准备...