Halloween-style Fapopoly Event

👋 Hello everyone!

Today begins the Fapopoly event with a modified Halloween-style design.

  • In addition, we are adding a new temporary mechanics, where you will receive hearts by participating in all game mechanics, and then acquiring new holiday heroines for them.
  • And very soon, we will announce a Secret Event! 😉
  • ⚙️ This week we got rid of a lot of problems related to unscrupulous players, every week there are more of them! At the moment, we have deleted more than 20 thousand!!! accounts that prevented our players from playing.
  • In addition, serious bugs have been fixed, which allowed us to achieve huge progress in just a few hours, this will also help us in the fight against scammers.

    🙌 Have a nice weekend to everyone!



尊敬的君主们!一位强大的新战士已经到来,将扭转战局!本次更新引入了 Lyv Meng,她是一位以战略智慧和战斗精通而闻名的史诗将军。利用她无与伦比的领导力增强你的军队并主宰战场! 新史诗将军:Lyv Meng吕蒙是三国时期的传奇指挥官,精通战略和战争。她出身卑微,后来成为一名令人敬畏的将军,以智慧和果断的战术而闻名。...


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