Love Spell Event

👋 Hello everyone!

It's the end of the week again and the start of another Dark Tower  event!

  • A girl Maita Kiyomi is waiting for you as a reward for the quest chain
  • The Sacrament of love event turns into a LOVE SPELL event
  • Inside you will be able to see 5 new super girls!
  • The winter BattlePass updated the list of awards

The Dual Pack has been replenished with 2 new girls
Akiko Kimura is an Epic Cleric driven by the illumination of this world.
Miyuki Nguyen is an Epic Druid whose power is drawn from the bowels of the earth.

Resources pack - Hide Honda, a barbarian whose brutality can be envied even by the leader of the orcs.

🎉 Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!




馅饼比赛 新活动

咖啡女仆“老板,馅饼比赛快到了!我很紧张,因为我要考验我的烘焙技巧,我担心我的食谱会比不上其他人的!我们应该做什么样的馅饼?奶油……馅饼?”立即加入 Cafe Maid,参与 Hayayashi 的馅饼比赛活动并解锁: - 林的新服装套装- 她的故事又增添了两个新篇章, - 故事章节中包含两个 H 场景!不要错过!


🔥亲爱的玩家,今天有3 项热门活动等着您: Fapopoly、Forbidden Abyss 和 Sexpedition!准备好迎接肾上腺素激增和丰厚奖励吧!法波利任务、掷骰子和制作的新奖励!禁忌深渊更新的任务和关键奖励!远征新的战斗通行证将带来炫酷奖励!新天使:塞拉菲拉天使般的诱惑者正在等你!完成活动任务或双人礼包优惠即可获得她!双人...


亲爱的伟大后裔们: Daraku Gear 将于 2025 年 2 月 25 日 04:00(UTC)更新其内容。本次更新将包含重制版2022年中秋限定活动及专属装备招募【月神阿尔忒弥斯x王者】,后裔们,千万不要错过这次扩充装备库存的绝佳机会! [活动公告]残忍……恶意……今晚的满月会带来什么?一群身经百战的齿轮腾飞了!而埃克拉姆 (Ekram) 在夜幕...