Love Spell Event

👋 Hello everyone!

It's the end of the week again and the start of another Dark Tower  event!

  • A girl Maita Kiyomi is waiting for you as a reward for the quest chain
  • The Sacrament of love event turns into a LOVE SPELL event
  • Inside you will be able to see 5 new super girls!
  • The winter BattlePass updated the list of awards

The Dual Pack has been replenished with 2 new girls
Akiko Kimura is an Epic Cleric driven by the illumination of this world.
Miyuki Nguyen is an Epic Druid whose power is drawn from the bowels of the earth.

Resources pack - Hide Honda, a barbarian whose brutality can be envied even by the leader of the orcs.

🎉 Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!




Kinky Pass:Nursie

您准备好接受检查了吗?亲爱的玩家们,我们很高兴宣布推出新的 Kinky Pass ,相信我们——它将为您的健康带来奇迹!这次,我们决定添加一点医学元素。在仔细采访了我们所有的女孩并检查了她们的医学学位后, Zara脱颖而出!是的,她甚至给自己买了一套全新的制服——只是为了让您的检查更加愉快。和她约会,收集她的碎片,活动...



后宫英雄手机版 - 拯救伊莫金

美丽的周年纪念伊莫金需要你的帮助!你必须在 3 月 30 日之前拯救她! 伊莫金行动敏捷,行迹隐秘,她能够偷走你眼皮底下的任何东西,包括你的精液。她大部分时候都是个雇佣兵,有时她会为了寻求刺激而偷走男人的精液,有时则是为了自己的满足。直面对手,夺得只属于你自己的女孩!